The Only Investment You Need to Make In 2024
Hello there fellow humans. Ever wondered what profession you’d have chosen if you were born 200 years ago? I bet the majority of you haven’t. That’s because we don’t need to, and it’s pointless to even think about that. We’re lucky that we opened our eyes in the age where AI and technology are running hog wild. The awesome tools and comforts we have been bestowed by scientific innovations have left us impaired to think about such nonsensical questions, let alone their answers.

The Reality of Today’s World
Sure, there are a couple of wars going on as you’re reading this, and not to mention the globe is on the brink of another economic recession. But these things have taken a backstage, as people are preoccupied with other more important (let’s say cool) stuff such as AI, Reels, Trending TikTok moves..etc. The cool stuff has unfortunately shrunk our productivity and attention span to dangerously low levels.
The Importance of Self-Investment
Cool stuff is fine if consumed optimally, but you can make the cool stuff even cooler if only you can realize the potential of self-investment. The investment in your skillset to be exact. If you’re still using ChatGPT to only generate your school essays or to make your monthly budget plan, then I hate to break it to you my friend… you’re missing out on the cooler stuff.
Leveraging Technology in Freelancing
Let’s say you’re an average cool stuff enjoyer and you work as a freelance graphic designer on the side. You have quite a lot of experience in your craft, but you’re not utilizing the cooler stuff i.e. AI tools and other technological assets at your disposal. You are doing an injustice to your skills essentially. How? You can only handle an average of 10 clients per month because you are only working with free tools, free Photoshop software, free Canva, and free whatnot.
Your friend, having less experience than you is earning your month’s earnings in a week. Just because he is leveraging paid software and automation tools to free up his time, the time he can spend on handling an extra 20 clients than you. Of course, paid subscriptions take up a little chunk of his annual income, but it’s pennies for him. Since he’s earning a lot more, these subscriptions are providing him a lot of benefits in a very affordable price bracket.
Advice from the Top
The other day, our manager told us the same thing. He advised us to invest in tools or software that can enhance our productivity and make our jobs easier. Not only this, relying on these useful AI and automation tools lets us enjoy more free time and enables us to achieve more in less time. Nowadays, entrepreneurs or freelancers who can very well afford to invest in their skills hesitate to take this significant step. Hence, they are stuck in the same old repetitive and hectic cycle with the same measly income.
You’re blessed to be born in this era. Artificial intelligence and technological innovations have made our work a lot more convenient. Don’t hinder your growth and adopt a smart business strategy by outsourcing your work to paid software and automation tools to streamline your income stream and ease your business operations. Ultimately closing more sales in a shorter amount of time. Therefore, Invest in your skills and enjoy its endless rewards and advantages without breaking a sweat.
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